You have arrived at this website because your are interested in some type of team coaching. Some of you maybe still deciding if some type of coaching is for you, and some of you are looking for coaches that fit your need. We will deliver both of those to you. We will explain the pro's and con's of team coaching and also give you a list of some of the most successful coaches in the country.
Team coaching can be used for small businesses, sport teams and relationships. No matter which team you are working with the importance of having a coach will make all the difference in the world. If we take a look at our youth in our society, we see a group of people that learn at a level far beyond the average adult. This happens because they are more open to new ideas and because through their education they, always have a coach, teacher or mentor. However, once a student leaves school the level of learning drops because our minds closes off and our coaching/ teachers go away. However, if we look at some of the most successful people in the world, such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Warren Buffett we will see that they all have some type of coach that leads them. Their success can absolutely be attributed to this.
When I first started a business I was very fortunate to have a business coach come with my business. At first I had no idea how important this was. However, after my business had created of $40,000 worth of income in my first year of business, I realized that this would have not happened without my coach. I have taken that lesson to heart and always keep some type of coach in my life. I currently have a coach for my business and a coach for my personal relationship. Both of these coaches are experts in their field and masters and creating results.
Here are a list of some of the team coaching experts that I have worked with or that come highly recommended.
Coaches for Business and Team Work Michael Gerber wrote a book called the E-Myth. It became a New York Times Bestseller and is an essential read for all business owners. The book evolved into coaching classes and seminars, and are some of the most recognizable in the world.
Coaches for Business/Investing and Personal Finances This is led by Robert Kiyosaki. He is the worlds leading financial management author. He has numerous books and programs that help people educate themselves in money and investing T.Harv Eker is one of the worlds leading money and team coaches. He helps individuals, families and business organizations get their money in balance and help people to create the freedom and life of their choice.
Coaches for Business, Team Work, Relationships and Life Personal Success Institute, this is the longest running personal development company in the United States. With almost 40 years of running success using only word of mouth marketing PSI Seminars is based on the idea of creating results in all areas of your life. Og Mandino is the author of 'The Greatest Salesman in the World' one of the most successful and most well know business and sales book every written. Og created some team coaching and programs that he entrusted his personal friend to take over when he passed away. Now, Dave Blanchard runs the programs. Dave will blow your mind, the sheer presence of this man will blow you away. Jeffery Combs is one of the countries leading business and life coach. He is also quite possibly one of the most passionate people that has ever lived. You will love this man with his story and his ability to inspire others to set a new bar in their lives.
The author invites you to learn more about team coaching and relationship coaching. We are only scratching the surface here and go further into the importance of team coaching and coaches you can work with.
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